Saturday, July 11, 2009

Earning Through Side Projects

I was searching for PHP tutorials and manuals when i came acros cakePHP and found an interesting article on

how much money i made from side projects

Two noteable sites and and their description in the post is as follows: – This is a site for school teachers, designed to make their lesson planning easier. It originally launched in January of 2003 and the new version was re-launched this past July. There are currently over 3000 registered users, with 171 paying $20/year for premium features. That works out to $3420 for 2008. In 2007 there were 84 paying users ($1680). The only marketing I did this past year was sending an email to the registered users announcing the new version. – This site gets approximately 50 hits a day from actual users…and over 50k hits a day from various RSS aggregators. Once a user has setup their feed there is no reason to go back to the site. If they buy a product using a link in the feed I get a commission from Amazon. In 2007 RSStalker sold 1049 items, generating $68,368.62 in revenue for Amazon and $3,358.20 in commission for me. The 2008 numbers are very similar: 1070 items, $76,875.06 revenue, $3,675.17 commission. Not much growth, but considering the economy that’s not too bad. Plus in 2007, two orders of 30 iPods each accounted for almost $700 in commission.

and below is the link for free cakePHP book

Free cakePHP book

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