Wednesday, July 15, 2009

SQL Server 2008 Database Engine

Architecture of MS SQL Server Full Text SearchImage via Wikipedia

SQL Server 2008 Database Engine

The Database Engine is the core service for storing, processing, and securing data. The Database Engine provides controlled access and rapid transaction processing to meet the requirements of the most demanding data consuming applications within your enterprise.

Use the Database Engine to create relational databases for online transaction processing or online analytical processing data. This includes creating tables for storing data, and database objects such as indexes, views, and stored procedures for viewing, managing, and securing data. You can use SQL Server Management Studio to manage the database objects, and SQL Server Profiler for capturing server events.

To learn more about the Database Engine, see SQL Server Database Engine and SQL Server Tools Tutorials.

To quickly get to important high-level topics for the Database Engine, go to Database Engine Documentation Map

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Earning Through Side Projects

I was searching for PHP tutorials and manuals when i came acros cakePHP and found an interesting article on

how much money i made from side projects

Two noteable sites and and their description in the post is as follows: – This is a site for school teachers, designed to make their lesson planning easier. It originally launched in January of 2003 and the new version was re-launched this past July. There are currently over 3000 registered users, with 171 paying $20/year for premium features. That works out to $3420 for 2008. In 2007 there were 84 paying users ($1680). The only marketing I did this past year was sending an email to the registered users announcing the new version. – This site gets approximately 50 hits a day from actual users…and over 50k hits a day from various RSS aggregators. Once a user has setup their feed there is no reason to go back to the site. If they buy a product using a link in the feed I get a commission from Amazon. In 2007 RSStalker sold 1049 items, generating $68,368.62 in revenue for Amazon and $3,358.20 in commission for me. The 2008 numbers are very similar: 1070 items, $76,875.06 revenue, $3,675.17 commission. Not much growth, but considering the economy that’s not too bad. Plus in 2007, two orders of 30 iPods each accounted for almost $700 in commission.

and below is the link for free cakePHP book

Free cakePHP book

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